Super Wins @ AKC National Championship!
December 18, 2016
Aces-Up did a sweep at the prestigious AKC National Championship cluster shows in Orla
ndo, FL, by taking Best of Breed (Fraser), Select Bitch (Dream), and Reserve Winners Dog (Ace)!
Fraser also won from the veteran class at the age of 7.5 years! He's also US's No. 1 Owner Handled Akita in 2016-2017 qualifying year and Top 20 Akita in the breed chart shown mostly by his proud mama, Wenny.

The Unstoppable Veteran, Fraser!
October 18, 2016
At the age of seven and half, Fraser, went against some of this country's finest Akitas in Tucson, AZ, shown by his mama, Wenny.
They took Best of Breed over top ranked special and large Aktia entry. On top of that, they took Owner Handler Best In Show!
Fraser is now ranked in US's Top 20 Akita chart (breed points) and No. 1 Owner Handled Akita on the 2017 qualifying year chart (Oct 2016 - Oct 2017).

The New Champion, Couture!
October 28, 2016
We are very proud of having another new champion in our Aces-Up family, Couture!
Couture finished her championship at the Greeley shows by taking Winners Bitch.
Our sweet Couture is such a young achiever who took BOB over specials and Working group placement as she's completing her required championship points.

Eclipse G1 Puppy @ Truth & Consequence KC
October 16, 2016
Our baby boy, Eclipse, (Aces-Up Always Stay Humber and Kind), out of Alaska and Brew (MBIS/MBISS CH Tuscandeel's Texas Brew) went to his first all breeds show in Truth or Consequence, NM, at the age of 5 months old.
Not only he had lots of fun meeting with tons of people and hundreds dogs, he also earned his first trophy of Puppy Working Group 1st shown by his mama, Wenny!

Fraser, Back to Back Owner Handler BIS!
October 15, 2016
At the age of 7 years old, our veteran boy, Fraser, still is a star in the ring with his mama, Wenny. He took Best of Breed over a top ranked Akita and short listed in working group, Best Veteran Working Group 1st, and back to back Owner Handled Best In Show and Reserve Best In Show over one weekend in Truth or Consequence, NM!
We feel so honored to have this special boy in our life and love him tremendously.
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