Team Aces-Up Rocked @ AKC National Championship Week
December 16, 2018
Team Aces-Up has brought their mother & daughter team to compete at the AKC National Championship week in Orlando. Record high entry of over 5,000 for conformation and 9,000 for combined events!
The first time out as a special, Couture ( CH Dynamic Force Haute Couture) did us proud by winning consistently (BOSs & SBs & OH BOB) in Orlando out of a tough lineup, and finished her GCH in one weekend!
Her beautiful daughter, our youngster Indica (Aces-Up She Will Take You To A Special Place) took two Winners Bitch and Reserve WB all other shows against some great competitions.
Junior Ojo Took Back to Back Winners Bitch in TX!
November 03, 2018
Another proud daughter of Fraser and Couture, Ojo (Aces-Up Aki No Ojo), shown by the excellent handler, Dave Harper, took back to back Winners Bitch at the Belton shows towards her championship! She took Best Puppy Working Group 3rd earlier at the Houston World Series Dog Show earlier this year.
Ojo is co-owned and loved by Brinn & Willie who have quickly learned to become great show dog owners.

Youngster Indica Brought Home Another Group Placement!
September 08, 2018
Our young Fraser & Couture daughter, Indica @ 13 months (Aces-Up She Will Take You to A Special Place) continued to gain more ring experience and took Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, BOS and Owner Handled BOB.
We were also very happy with Indica winning another Bred By Working Group 2nd with her proud mama. We would especially thank Ms. Marion D Ward for her great comment on Indica after awarding her the group placement!
Welcome the Precious Prada & Flint Litter!
August 09, 2018
We feel extremely honored and privileged to announce the two keepers out of our Prada and Flint litter! Flint (CH Regalia's Fyrestone) is one of the finest studs in the breed history.
We would like to thank our greatest friend and co-breeder, Caroly Laubscher, from Regalia Akitas for entrusting us with the last frozen semen of Flint.
Puppy Ojo Took Puppy BOB & G3 @ Houston World Series Dog Show!
July 20, 2018
Introducing the winner of Best Puppy In Breed and Best Puppy Working Group 3rd @ Houston World Series Dog Show, Ojo (Aces-Up Aki No Ojo)!
Although it's a little disappointing she decided to drop her coat completely before her first big show in Houston, we are all still very proud of this sweet puppy girl surviving her first trip without her family around.
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