Dog World Streamlined
custom database solution to manage information that drivers better decision making, and streamline business workflow for breeders, Pro handlers, kennel clubs and dog owners.

Getting started Guide
You don't need to be engineering or software savvy to become a master of managing your data and transforming it to information that drives better decision making in breeding, showing, customer relations, business branding, and so on.
Create your account with Airtable for free. Download the Airtable phone app.
Contact us to sign up for free download.
- All the templates come with example data.
- Input your data and modify the templates if needed.
- Share your records with your co-breeder, co-owner, or collaborators in one click.
- Submit a Consulting Request if you need any help from us. We will let you know the estimated cost and available appointment date/time (each session is up to 30 mins).
Example: Breeder's CRM Base (Customer Relations Management)
To improve the breeder’s communications with the potential and existing dog owners, automated workflows are created in Breeder’s CRM base. The Puppy Applicants Tracking table is embedded in the breeder’s website or email system through a link.

When one fills out the online Puppy Application, all the contents will be automatically populated to this table in your Airtable account.
An email will be sent to you that includes the completed application.
You log onto your Airtable account to update the table when needed, i.e., changes in Application Status, etc.
Once a candidate is approved for owning your puppy, an automated email will be sent to the candidate.
As shown above, the table contents can be viewed by Puppy Application style, Application Date, Application Status, and Show or Companion.
Learning Center
Please visit Dog World Streamlined YouTube Channel for the video tutorials.