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  • Juha Kares

Bitch Line Is The Key

The most important thing in dog breeding is the bitch line. What is a bitch line? Many other breeders around the world do realize the value of females as well. However I would say that in Scandinavian countries in general most so. There are breeders who talk about dog by their fathers. Then there are the breeders who talk dogs by their mothers. When you see super dog. Do you first think who is the father or who is the mother? I think first the mother and then the sire. Which way do you think your dogs? We all know the genetic. Genotype is 50 % – 50%. However phenotype is not. Mother´s importance is much higher. Puppies do spent their first weeks with the mother therefore dam´s temperament and motherhood is the key. In a way many people can use top stud dogs. Only the best breeders can use top females. Bitch line is the key to high quality breeding.

My point of view is all ways in females. Even if looking for top stud dogs to my females I try to find outstanding dogs whose mothers have been top producers. As I look for a new brood bitch the key is how is her mother. Has she produced big, healthy and top quality litters before. If yes I am interested. Is she a champion? Is her mother and grandmother a champion? If yes I am very interested. Top brood bitch is a worth of gold. If there is generations of top brood bitches that is what I call a bitch line. Often these generation of top females has bred the same breeder. These dogs have the same type and style. The one that can build up a strong bitch line is some one I call and respect as a true breeder.

More breeder should realize the value of a bitch line. Bitch line is something that you build up generation after generation. It is about top winning females with top temperament and vitality who are producing the same in future generations. Keep your eyes open. See where and who has the females in your breed that are producing the very best. I all ways keep my eyes open globally about bitch lines. Without a doubt that is one of the main reasons to my achievements in the world of pedigree dogs.

Do you respect your females enough? Do you show and finish up your females? Do you take care of the fertility and vitality of your line? How about mentality? Do you keep the best daughter of your top females? If you are working or building up a bitch line you would answer yes to all these questions. I would say I rather use bit mediocre male whose mother is outstanding top winning female than a super dog whose mother is nothing. I can play roulette in a ferry boat. But I do not play roulette when it comes to a dog breeding. Bitch line thinking is like a method of approaching the dog breeding. I would say without a doubt that bitch line is the key to top quality dog breeding.

Usually the breeders that I respect most have build their breeding on their strong bitch line. This is often the easiest way to build quality above average. As you mate the very best females with the very best males available – that will produce the best. It is really as simple as that. How to build a bitch line generation after generation is another story. Hope to write about the later. But do remember to build your breeding on strong brood bitches and do build up a bitch line. That is the key.

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