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The MUST mental qualities of the modern dog breeder. - By Juha Kares

Juha Kares

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

Breeding dogs it not really only a hobby. I can tell you it is much more than that. Breeding dogs is a way of life plus a hobby. As and if you choose to breed dogs. It means 364/364, 7/7 and 24/24 responsibility about living animals. That does require a lot of sudden mental qualities from the breeder. There is not really a moment in your life that you would not have to be prepared that something may and will happen. It is not only your life that is strongly influenced by your lifestyle.  Dog breeding does influence also your family life and work. A good dog breeder should have certain characteristics of nature like: 1) Good stress tolerance, 2) Independent decision-making ability, 3) The ability to focus on the essential, 4) Willing to work hard, 5) Ability to tolerate difficulties, 6) Logical & rational thinking  and 7) Social skills and the ability to create networks is needed.

You must be willing to listen and be part of the society

Dog breeding has changed a lot over the years. Previously many dog breeders were very much independent and stubborn individualistic personalities. They still are and may be that. However modern time dog breeder must listen and respect others more than before. Big kennels are more or less history. Modern breeders must co-operate more with other serious breeders and puppy buyers. We must listen more of the socieyty in general. Did we want it or not. Networking ability has become an important part of modern dog breeding. More so than ever before. We are working in very glogal environment. We must be willing to listen more and be patient. Loyalty and team working skills are now a days so important for a top breeder.

Use your own brains

A good dog breeder must be able to think independently. You must be ready to use your own brains a lot. You must trust your focus. Far too many breeders lack independent decision making gift. There are far too many “copy cats.”  Do keep in mind. Dog breeding is the most rational thing in the World. Cause and consequence ratio is all what it is. If things go wrongly challenge yourself to lern more. Mistakes are wonderful and these will happen. Lern from your mistakes and you do develop. In dog breeding you need a lot of rational thinking. You need to be able to laugh to yourself and admit that you was wrong. But learn also from your great positive results. Both negative and positive feed back is needed to become a top breeder.

Keep the right positive attitude – good stress tolerance is the key

A good breeder must concentrate to the essential things. Far too many breeders concentrate too much about what other people are doing or gossiping. A true breeder keep his focus in own breeding and own dogs. Modern World respect positive role models much more than negative gossipers. Postive role  models attract much more people near to you than negatice complainers. So keep the focus and attitude right.

Do believe me. You must be willing to work hard. Learn to tolerate stress. Every dog breeder must work more or less under a stress time to time. Stress is part of dog breeders life. Find out the good ways to relax. There is far too many bitter old dog breeders who took it all far too seriously or they did not know how to deal with stress or major dissapointments. Stressed people fight and talk bad about everything or get lonely. My advise is now a days to keep away from them. Complainers eat your energy. Try to spend time with inspirational people. Try to be inspirational yourself. There must be fun and relaxation in your life. Otherwise you can´t keep going decade after decade.

Networking is a must

You need people to talk with and people who help you to deal with stress. Nice trust worthy fellow breeders are often needed. Remeber to build up a good network around you. That is the key to top breeding in a modern World. International networks are great way to learn and achieve more in your breeding. Share your best with others and it will come back to you. Keep your eys and ears open. You will find the right people from your breed to work with. Sharing dogs means less work and also shared stress. Be willing to travel and keep your mind open in all occasions with your own developing focus in your mind.

Dog breeding takes a lot. As a breeder you should also think about your own mental qualities to keep up with this lifestyle. The main thing is if you feel good your dogs feel good. If you are openminded, inspirational and willing to work hard. There will be good results in your breeding. Plus the right people will be working together with you to the same goal. 

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